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Mold industry how to build big data

Release date2016-09-22 07:55:31   Sources:   Read: second

The origin of large data thanks to the Internet, electricity providers, telecom operators, financial and other industries, because of their own industry, to obtain natural mass in the process of manufacturing operations of the data, they are the forerunner of big data industry.
But it can be asserted that greater demand for large data, there is still a wide range of application prospects in the traditional industry, big data will be the best combination of traditional industries to adapt to the Internet era.
Famous clothing brand ZARA is the traditional industry to use big data for enterprises to re inject vitality example. The information product or trend of ZARA through the integration of offline customer experience and online information on clothes netizens love, timely improve the product style, in the Internet era to achieve the next line of retail sales of the perfect counter attack.
So, the traditional industry to expand the data team, to be ready. Since it is necessary to build a large data team, there must be a large data professional background of the talent. Big data can not be separated from the industry and the enterprise itself to talk about technology, that is from the big data analysis of castles in the air, thinking, will lead to the death of the application data. So, the mold enterprise Acura enterprise components big data team tradition, need not only the technical personnel of big data, but also need to have deep industry background and have the courage to change their thinking big data.
Our mold industry in the construction of a large data team, to do the following:
1, first taste of big data, and then talk about how to do. Suggested that before the construction of large data platform, to spend a little time to try to do big data.
2, the first internal "team", experts can only do "foreign aid". In simple terms, is the team, there must be a "data", "analysis of data" and "data" people.
3, big data has to be private custom". Data can not get to the process, the system and the system can not interact between these seemingly small problem, but it is the big data in the future is able to play the bottom of the effectiveness of the foundation. A good corporate pulse, found the potential problems before they can play the effectiveness of.
4, CEO to actively participate. The implementation of the final purpose of large enterprise data, is to make it become the company's decision "brains", the market sales of the "baton", after all, big data should be able to support all aspects of the work, is the enterprise level event. So, the big data strategy to promote, business leaders need to ensure full participation, no deviation.
Our mold industry only through constant change and development, to meet the era of big data preparation in order to obtain long-term survival in the crevice, the future is not far away, we will wait and see.

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